Tuesday, 19 January 2016

MY FIRST DETOX, DAY 2: what the hell happened?

Yesterday's excitement about starting a detox, faced his first challenge when I woke up this morning.. I say woke up but I actually didn't sleep too much due to the 2.5L of water I had downed the day before to make sure I would flush toxins out of my body..A whole lot of hydration, and whole lots of night trips to the toilet.. Not. Fun.

This morning I felt like a truck ran me over, with a bad headache and zero energy. It was as if the flu had hit me right in the face.Overnight.

However, I still managed to whizz up a green smoothie packed with protein to have for breakfast at work. And I have to say, that did help. 
I also bought some strawberries and had those too before popping my first dose of supplements.

My usual shake mid morning got me going till lunch.

Today I was working only half day luckily,  so I got myself home and prepared my favourite, quick vegan meal: brown rice penne with walnut sauce and spinach..Aaahhh..Happy again!

My strength is not completely back, however I'm taking it easy today and making sure I have warm, nutritious, clean foods.

I have taken out of the freezer my home-made spiced carrot soup, which will only need to be heated up tonight and will be dinner before I have to go out.

I will bring water and nuts in my bag, in order to be ready should I get hungry while I am out. ALWAYS BE PREPARED DURING A DETOX. It's important to have the right foods to snack on..

Learning from yesterday's experience, I will also try to take my last 2 supplements of the day at least one or two hours before bed..See if it makes a difference :) 

And this is it for me today. With the hope of a better night sleep tonight..Fingers crossed.x

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